Useful Websites



    Organisation : USA Today

    Simple, clear glossary of feminism types and terms.


    Organisation : Outright Action International

    Up-to-date glossary of sexuality acronyms


    Organisation : Womankind

    See: 'Land Rights' and 'Unpaid Care Work', and 'Promoting the Inclusion of Women with Disabilities in the Socioeconomic Sectors' sections


    Organisation : European Union

    Overview of key concepts in Gender Equality in agriculture. Although some resources are Europe-specific, there are useful overviews of Gender Equality concepts and gender-sensitive practices: see Gender Mainstreaming: Toolkits; Methods & Tools; Good practices, plus an extensive Gender Mainstreaming Glossary.


    Organisation : Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

    A global, feminist, membership, movement-support organisation working to achieve gender justice and women’s human rights worldwide. A membership organisation (meaning it’s made of different organisations coming together), the AWID has a presence in 19 countries. They serve as an advocate for policies that empower and support women’s rights. Priority issues include universal rights and justice, and giving resources to feminist movements. See 'Resources' page for multimedia teaching resources.



    Organisation : Care Work & the Economy (CWE-GAM)

    The Care Work and the Economy Project is producing new research and developing innovative analytic tools to advance understanding of care work –care of children, the sick and disabled, and the elderly and to demonstrate how integrating care into policy tools such as macromodels provide a more comprehensive understanding of policy impacts on growth, distribution, and gender equality. See Working Papers for up-to-date research on care work in countries around the world.


    Organisation : CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) / International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya).

    Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results (GENDER) is CGIAR’s platform (est. 2020) designed to promote gender equality in global agricultural research for development, with the goal of greater gender equality and better lives for smallholder farmers everywhere. Very good and well-organised range of resources. Most relevant sections: Gender Research; Evidence; Tools, Methods, Manuals; Training Courses; (many of them free & online); Publications. Most relevant Research Areas: Women's Empowerment; Crops & Technologies; Markets & Value Chains. Hosted by International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya).



    Organisation : European Union

    An autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, as well as to raise EU citizens’ awareness of gender equality. Includes Gender Equality Index and Gender Statistics Database.



    Organisation : Gender Working Group

    Collaborative ongoing project addressing the gendered impact of COVID-19 - great country-specific resources and reports, including the Philippines, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea. Produced by the Gender Working Group: a global group of researchers, health practitioners, policy actors, and advocates who share resources and expertise on topics related to gender equity, women’s empowerment, human rights, and COVID-19. The working group includes expertise ranging from the biomedical sciences to the humanities.


    Organisation : Healthy Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) / USAID / John Hopkins University

    See Gender: Gender Concepts for useful introductory Gender Theory material; see also Gender: Activities: very useful step-by-step program for applying Gender to your project using Behaviour Change Theory.


    Organisation : Institute for Gender and the Economy, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

    Canada-based educational resource, aiming to produce 'rigorous research to change the conversation on gender equality'. Useful sections on: Covid-19 & Inequality; Gender Wage Gap; Parental Leave; Women in STEM; Masculinity. Some materials are Canada-specific, but many are usefully 'global' in approach, particularly when articulating the theoretical principles behind economic gender equality.


    Organisation : Women's Environment & Development Organisation (WEDO)

    The Gender Climate Tracker App provides experts, decision-makers, negotiators and advocates on-the-go access to the latest information on research, decisions and actions related to gender and climate change. By reviewing, compiling and publishing this information, the app empowers civil society, governments and citizens to hold their governments accountable to their gender commitments.


    Organisation : Gender Equality Resource Centre (GERC)

    The Gender Equality Resource Centre (GERC) Inc. was established in 2013 and registered in 2014 as a non-government organisation (NGO) with the Philippines’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). GERC Inc. aims at promoting gender equality (GE) for development in and through cooperatives. As a national advocacy group and training organisation, at the core of the GERC Inc. are volunteers—GE and co-op advocates, and development facilitators and trainers—who work in and through co-ops and other private and government agencies to pursue: co-op development—specifically, to help heighten the social impact of cooperatives and other community enterprises in the Philippines, and to develop capacities of cooperatives in entrepreneurship women empowerment. 'Resources' page include online course in Gender-Integrated Community-Managed Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM), as well as COVID-19 report.


    Organisation : Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations

    Country Gender Assessments, e-Learning, Publications and Multimedia, including a useful compendia of free e-books.


    Organisation : Penn State University

    Open Access Journals for gender theory research


    Organisation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

    The GID-DB is a database providing researchers and policymakers with key data on gender-based discrimination in social institutions. This data helps analyse women’s economic empowerment and understand gender gaps in other key areas of development.


    Organisation : Unicef

    A digital ideas platform to support child-focused Sustainable Development Goals: see 'Gender' page for latest projects and findings listed under geographic region.


    Organisation : Global Diversity Practice

    Consultancy and education in diversity and inclusion: useful clear overview of the concepts involved in Diversity and Inclusion. Also see 'D&I Awareness'; 'Unconscious Bias'; 'Inclusive Leadership'.


    Organisation : United Nations

    A platform for the dissemination of developments in the field of gender statistics and promotes the inclusion of gender statistics into all fields of statistical activities at both the national and international levels.



    Organisation : ICRW

    See 'Economic Development' resources: includes Financial Inclusion; Assets & Property Rights; Employment & Enterprises; Gender & Care; Women in the Value Chain; Migration.


    Organisation : International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

    Knowledge platforms and information hubs for specific gender and environment partnerships led by IUCN



    Organisation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

    Includes selected indicators shedding light on gender inequalities in education, employment, entrepreneurship, health, development and Governance, showing how far we are from achieving gender equality and where actions is most needed. The data cover OECD member countries, as well as partner economies including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and South Africa.



    Organisation : George Washington University (USA) Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement

    Multimedia resources on intersectionality. 'Resources' page includes other useful diversity-related resources



    Organisation : SUMERNET / Government of Sweden

    Ina regional network made up of partners from the Mekong that are committed to the sustainable development, poverty alleviation, gender and social equality and the incorporation of a rights-based approach in natural resource management. Launched in 2005, with support from the Swedish Government. A key component of SUMERNET’s work is to bridge science and policy. See under 'Strategy': Critical Gender Analysis Guide; under 'Story': 'Podcast 03: Gender Equality'; Writing for publication: 'Expanding your Skill and Confidence Capacity Building in s4a'.



    Organisation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

    The OECD Development Centre’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) is a cross-country measure of discrimination against women in social institutions (formal and informal laws, social norms, and practices) across 160 countries.


    Organisation : The World Bank

    Economic reports on gender around the world. See especially the Gender Data Portal: search engine for generating country-specific gender information on a range of 'Topics' and 'Indicators', with an option to download the raw data.


    Organisation : Human Rights Careers

    Clear, simple glossary of the different ‘types’ of feminism as they have developed historically, from ‘1st wave’ to the most recent ‘4th wave’.



    Organisation : The World Bank

    A World Bank Group multi-donor trust fund financing research, impact evaluations and data to help policy makers and practitioners close gender gaps in countries and sectors. Reports on gender participation in the workforce.


    Organisation : United Nations

    Resources hubs for the United Nations branch dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. See 'Digital Library' for global gender resources, including their Annual Report and the results of the world survey of women in development.


    Organisation : MP Associates; World Trust Educational Services; CAPD

    Depository of racial diversity resources: tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organisations, communities, and the culture. Includes a useful Glossary of Diversity / Racial Equity terms. Thoroughly updated 2020.


    Organisation : United Nations / UNESCO

    Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education: useful region-specific information about the inclusion of girls and women in education of all kinds; see especially section 'Inclusion and Gender Equality in Education'.



    Organisation : Just Associates (JASS)

    Large collection of toolkits for grassroots community change, including topics such as Conflict / Conflict Transformation & Negotiation; Feminism, Identity & Intersectionality; Feminist Leadership / Leadership Development.


    Organisation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

    Online collaborative community for sharing of gender research and statistics. Hosts links to key sources of gender statistics: see also SIGI and GID-DB Databases.


    Organisation : McKinsey & Company

    Women in the Workplace - a comprehensive annual global report re gender equality in the workplace: includes useful infographics and country-specific statistics.


    Organisation : Women's Environment & Development Organisation (WEDO)

    WEDO is a US-based global advocacy organisation established in 1991 by former U.S. Congresswoman Bella Abzug (1920-1998) and feminist activist and journalist Mim Kelber (1922-2004). Hosts an extensive resource library on gender and environmental / agricultural issues: See 'Food Security' under Resources and Tools. Also hosts the 'Gender Climate Tracker App' (see separate entry).


    Organisation : Women's Global Empowerment Fund (WGEF)

    The mission of Women’s Global Empowerment Fund is to support women through economic, social and political programs, creating opportunities while addressing inequality; strengthening families and communities. See sections: Agriculture; CreditPlus (a microfinance program); Women's Resource Centre; Literacy; Leadership Development.